Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sabana Grande, Round 2

After sitting at Suni for the past 5 weeks, doing pretty much nothing, under the constant illusion that work was on the horizon, I decided that i was fed up with sitting around, wasting my time here in Nicaragua. So, after making some arrangements, Jim and I are going up to Sabana Grande next week, to help the people up there with the enormous amount of work that they have to do.

I think that we'll be working on trying to fix the broken wind turbine... which is everything that I want in life, and more. Ever since we went up there to visit and Dan explained that the turbine hadn't been working, I've been itching to get my hands on it.

I apologize to those who have been wanting me to write more, but there has literally been nothing to write about, as we have spent an enormous amount of time doing...nothing.


  1. Lies! You're running an international agency dedicated to promoting youmba, a dance version of yoga that combines zumba steps and stretching in awkward positions.

  2. hi tim , just want you to know that i am counting the days when you will be on american soil! I love you lots----Nannie

  3. Nanny can't wait to trade positions with you.

  4. nanny and mom sure do a lot of "counting the days" for things.
